Excerpt from the Curry Farms Website:
The Curry Seed & Chile Company, which was founded 33 years ago by native Arizonan Edward Curry, is a 1,200 acre farm operation nestled among the fields of the Sulphur Springs Valley in the small town of Pearce in southeastern Arizona.
Ed’s love for chiles began at a very early age when his parents planted their first chile crop in 1957. He essentially grew up in the chile fields. His passion for chiles continued to grow into what eventually became a lifelong interest in chile genetics. For 25+ years, he worked closely with his partner, Phil Villa, a well-known chile breeder, in developing new and improved hybrids that can be produced with uniform quality, flavor and heat. Careful plant breeding also resulted in improving certain strains of chiles that are now producing nearly double their average yield. The seed from these hybrid chiles come with pedigrees and with care and feeding guidelines to ensure that growers using Curry’s seeds earn the best yield possible.
Ed Curry continues to work extensively in chile genetics. In the farming industry, it is said that the genetic origins for 80 – 90 percent of the chiles grown commercially in the U.S. can be traced back to Curry’s farm in Arizona. The Curry Seed & Chile Company supplies chile seed to growers in the Southwestern U.S. and in several states in Mexico.